Computer GK Questions Set 1
1. Which was the first calculating machine in the history of computers?
✅ Answer: B) Abacus
Explanation: Abacus was an ancient calculating machine, developed in China. It was used for counting with the help of beads and frames.
2. Who is the father of modern computer?
✅ Answer: B) Charles Babbage
Explanation: Charles Babbage developed the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine in the 19th century. His work was instrumental in the development of the computer, hence he is called the "Father of the Modern Computer".
3. Which scientist developed the first mechanical calculator?
✅ Answer: A) Blaise Pascal
Explanation: In 1642, Blaise Pascal developed the first mechanical calculator, called the "Pascaline".
4. Who invented the ENIAC computer?
✅ Answer: C) J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly
Explanation: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first fully electronic computer, developed in 1946 by J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly.
5. Who were the first computer programmers?
✅ Answer: A) Lady Augusta Lovelace
Explanation: Lady Augusta Lovelace created the first computer program for the Analytical Engine, so she is considered the "first programmer".
6. Which was the first personal computer manufactured in India?
✅ Answer: C) Siddhartha
Explanation: The first personal computer developed in India was "Siddhartha".
7. What is the full meaning of the computer EDSAC?
✅ Answer: A) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
Explanation: EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) was the first computer in which computer programs were successfully executed.
8. Which computer was developed by Von Neumann?
✅ Answer: B) EDVAC
Explanation: John Von Neumann designed the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).
9. What is the full meaning of UNIVAC computer?
✅ Answer: B) Universal Automatic Computer
Explanation: UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first digital computer, designed for commercial use.
10. Which company developed the Mark-1 computer?
✅ Answer: A) IBM
Explanation: Mark-1 was the world's first fully automatic electro-mechanical computer, developed by IBM (International Business Machines) Company.
11. What is the full meaning of ENIAC computer?
✅ Answer: A) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
Explanation: ENIAC was the first fully electronic computer, developed in 1946.
12. When was the first computer introduced in India?
✅ Answer: D) 1956
Explanation: The first computer in India was introduced in 1956, which was TIFRAC (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator).
13. What was the first computer game?
✅ Answer: D) Spacewar
Explanation: Spacewar! was the first computer game made by students at MIT in 1962. Pac-Man was later released as an arcade game.
14. Who is considered the father of modern computer?
✅ Answer: B) Alan Turing
Explanation: Alan Turing introduced the principles of computing and developed important concepts for computer systems. Hence he is considered as the "father of modern computer".
15. Who contributed the most to the development of modern computers?
✅ Answer: B) John Von Neumann
Explanation: Von Neumann introduced the concept of stored program architecture, which is the basic structure of modern computers.
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